The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act guarantees efficient and quality healthcare at affordable rates. Insurance plans are lowered by providing subsidies- a portion of insurance paid for by the government to lower out of pocket costs-for individuals who qualify. Qualifications vary from state to state, and are based on a household’s annual income. Typically, the lower the total household income, the lower the insurance rates will be. The ACA shields plan holders from unethical insurance company policies. A major abusive practice insurance companies partake in is denial of coverage due to a pre-existing condition. The ACA protects individuals with pre-existing conditions , as well as insure children up to age 26 on their parents plans and cover preventative care.
“17.6 million previously uninsured people have benefited from the Affordable Care Act (#3)”. The ACA provides relief for those who need it; Judging by the statistic, theres a lot of individuals who do. Currently though, there are threats against it. Despite majority of citizens across America voting to keep the ACA as is, congresswants to repeal and replace it. A repeal would either reverse or completely remove the law. Replacing it would put a less helpful program in its place. Recently, the Trump administration released a competing plan with intentions to replace the ACA. The new plans are low cost, however, they cover much less and do not protect individuals from abusive policies. It is completely opposite to the goal of the ACA, which is to provide cheap insurance with maximum coverage and protection.
In the 1960’s, during Lyndon B. Johnsons presidency, the Medicare and Medicaid programs were established. These programs ensured medical coverage and assistance to individuals over the age of 65 and to all others who could not afford it. This was a watershed in the history of healthcare because the government became financially involved. Numerous efforts amongst various presidential parties over the years occurred to expand federal health care funds. All were failed attempts until 2003, when President George W. Bush enacted the largest expansion of Medicare since its conception.
In February of 2009, During Barrack Obama’s presidency, a reform on health care was declared. The debate for reform lasted approximately 169 hours, making it the second-longest consecutive session in senate history (Kessler, 2017). The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare, was signed into law with support from only democrats. By March 2014, Republican leaders in the House of Representatives voted to repeal the ACA 54 times; every attempt was vetoed. Political factors and social class are the core of this issue. One side is in favor of the ACA, the otherside is not. The beleifs of the two parties are opposite and they cannot see eye to eye, therefore, this will always be a controversial issue.
The Republican party gained control of the House and Senate in 2016. President Donald Trump campaigned on repealing and replacing the ACA, therefore efforts to do so were attempted. Three bills were drafted in 2017 aiming to repeal the ACA, they all failed. In October 2017, Trump ended ACA subsidies. Insurance companies no longer receive money from the government for deductibles. As of right now the ACA still remains in effect. If threats turn into action and it is undone- which is a goal of the current presidential administration- many people will lose their health coverage and benefits; specifically those who fall below the poverty level.
1) Public Health State Mandate 2018 (408.9091) Cover Florida Health Care Access Program
2) 5th grade Health Education
3) Everyone gets hurt and sick- it is inevitable. During this lesson, students will be learning about w hat type of medical assistance is needed and when. They will discuss ways to prevent common childhood injuries, accidents, and sicknesses. As well as illustrate and recognize different types of health care professionals.
4) The students will…
6) WOD: